The Skills Needs Analysis of the Labour Market in the Library Sector in Bulgaria The first phase of our Biblio project entailed the desk research on analysis of the...
AMPIORAGGIO WEBINART The Ampioraggio Foundation, that connects innovators for creating new business opportunities in several market fields,...
Biblio Interviews: Flavia Bruni, specialised librarian at ICCU, on public libraries and digital competences With this post, we'd like to open a series of interviews with different specialists working...
Librarianship in the post-COVID world As societies evolve, libraries do so as well and adapt to their new contexts.
Knowledge and skills of librarians in the digital era Not all libraries can respond to challenges of the digital transformation. What digital skills are...
Learning from the Mu.SA project Our Greek partner DAISSy bring the experience of over 60 projects, one being Mu.SA that...
Biblio project launched in Bari The three-year-project with 10 partners was kicked-off in Bari on 27-28 January 2020
Welcome to Biblio! We have built a website where you can enter an innovative digital cultural atmosphere, and...