Bulgarian National Agency for Vocational Education and Training – 20 years of quality and professionalism The National agency for vocational education and training (NAVET) in Bulgaria celebrates its 20th anniversary....
Training as the core of the digital future “By now Cultural Digital Heritage Education has become an essential element of the knowledge and...
Libraries in Bulgaria: challenges and opportunities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic In the middle of March 2020, after the decision of the Bulgarian Government about the...
From circulating libraries to books dispenser and bookcrossing How have our reading habits changed over the years? While people are still debating whether...
E-BOOK celebrate 1.5-year anniversary The year 2019 was an exemplary special for Latvian public libraries because an e-book reading...
Librarians in Latvia trained to be “Digital agents“ Since 2018 within the Project "My Latvia. Do it DIGITAL ", developed by Ministry of...
Public consultation on opportunities offered by digital technologies for the culture heritage sector The European Commission has launched a public consultation in view of the evaluation and possible...
Skills needs in the library sector in Italy: preliminary findings and overview of similar surveys As part of the first working package of the Biblio project, in the last few...
Getting enlightened with “Lighthouse Sessions” Over the month of June, our project partner Public Libraries 2030 hosted a series of...
DigiEduHack 2020 is open for registrations! The DigiEduHack 2020 edition has been launched, and interested organizations can register to become hosting...