BIBLIO promoted through the initiative “Pillole di progettazione europea”

ICCU took part to the initiative Pillole di progettazione europea made by the Grant Office of the Italian Ministry of Culture (MIC) with the collaboration of Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, an international institute devoted to the training and the research funded by MIC.

The Grant Office service aims to help, train, and inform the Italian administration Institutes wishing to capture the opportunities of European projects.

Within the Pillole di progettazione europea initiative, the Grant Office and the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali realized short promotional videos to communicate the importance of European financial opportunities and to disseminate the results of the projects in the cultural field to a wider audience. ICCU, as a partner of BIBLIO, has been involved in order to tell about the project experience through a short video filmed in Italian language, also subtitled in English.

Have a look at the video “pill” dedicated to our Biblio project:

For information about further projects click here.