BIBLIO in the “CHARTER Alliance Conference To Explore Digital Strategies For Cultural Heritage”

On November 30, Professor Barbuti, representing the Department of Research and Innovation in Humanities (DIRIUM) of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, will present the-state-of-the-art of the BIBLIO project. In November the project has reached some important goals, successfully completing the provision of introductory MOOCs (the result of joint work between partners), which were provided to the participants to allow them to approach the more complex issues coming from the specialization courses. After selecting the learners from MOOC’s participants (maximum 25 learners per country), the courses were “localised” in partners’ National languages, in blended form among the various partners, providing 38 modules with specifications and insights based on the needs of the CECO and DIGY profiles.

The presentation of the project first, and the discussion on the results achieved subsequently will be part of a round table promoted for the event titled “Education, competences and profiles” in the “Present and future digital strategies for cultural heritage” macro conference. Specifically, the event is part of the General meeting of the CHARTER project, aimed at developing a European strategy for cultural heritage professions, identifying the shortcomings and criticalities of the system in order to design a long-term policy to bridge the gap between training and employment and to highlight the pivotal role of the cultural heritage professions in a perspective of sustainable economic development. The General Meeting and the open conference day are organised by the “Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali”. Here, there is the link to participate at this interesting event:, (last consulted: 22/11/2022).